Giochi trattati | Africana, Atlantis (Escape form), Avanti, Awele, Button Up, ChemiX, City (The), City Tycoon, Crimebox Investigation, Dive! Diver! Die!, Factory Manager!, Friday, Indigo, Kahuna, Kolory, Konito, Master of Economy, O.K. Corral, Promptoyo, Qamoki, Race for the Galaxy, Santa Cruz, Talat, Trajan, Uluru, |
Editore | Megalopole srl |
Allegati |
Gioco o inserto: Crimebox Investigation |
Giochi trattati | Bonbons, Discworld : Ankh-Morpork, Dr. Shark, Hawaii, Help me, Infarkt, Kalifiko, Kingdom Builder, Kulami, Olympos, Ora et Labora, Pow Wow, Revolver, Sake & Samurai, Sarena, Siberia, Skyscrapers, Space Hulk : Death Angel - The Card Game, String Railway : Transport, Sumoku, Tschak!, Upon a Salty Ocean, |
Editore | Megalopole srl |
Allegati |
Gioco o inserto: Olympos |
Giochi trattati | Adventurers: The Pyramid of Horus, Apagos, Colorio, Diam's, Foot-Foot, Grand Prix Expert, High Frontier, K2 : Broad Peak, Kingdoms of Crusaders, Lancaster, Master Merchant, Memoir '44, Nightfall, Pergamemnon, Play Rugby, Rallyman, Rallyman: Dirt, Rumble in the house, Shitenno, Singapore, Stand Up, The Blue Lion, |
Editore | Megalopole srl |
Allegati |
Gioco o inserto: Rallyman Scenario: Memoir '44 |
Giochi trattati | Abalone, Abalone Offboard, Airlines Europe, Aisopos, Barbu, Companeros, Compatibility, Copié collé, Crows, Double Agent, Earth Reborn, Extra ! Extra !, Felinia, Fief, Fief (3a editione), Furstenfeld, Jarjais, Jungle, Killpower Ball, Kniffel Extreme, Mansions of Madness, Merchants & Marauders, Monkey See Monkey Do, Mystery Rummy: Jack the ripper, Pressure Matrix, Resistance (The), Ultimate Warriorz : Tribal Rumble , |
Editore | Megalopole srl |
Allegati |
Gioco o inserto: Fief |
Giochi trattati | Aether, Alhambra: The Card Game, Artus, Biblios, Bugs & Co., Cinco, Coconuts, Conflict of Heroes : Awakening the Bear! Russia 1941-1942, Cyclades, Cyclades : Hades, Dixit Odissey, Draco, Eynsteyn, Fanorona, Ghost Blitz, Interstellar Mayhem, Jerusalem, Junkyard races, Pergamon, Spring Fever, String railway, Sun Tzu, The Truckers, Two by two, |
Editore | Megalopole srl |
Allegati |
Gioco o inserto: Cyclades Scenario: Conflict of Heroes : Awakening the Bear! Russia 1941-1942 |
Giochi trattati | Airships, Altamira, Amyitis, Beaugency, Contrées Fabuleuses, Drachen Wurf, Dust, El Capitan, Gygès, Jamaica, Kheops, Secrets of the Sea, Super Munchkin, Tortuga, |
Editore | Megalopole srl |
Giochi trattati | 8 Dragons, Age of steam (2 ed.), Apache (Abacus), Beowulf : The Movie Boardgame, Big Points, Exxit, Gangster, Kamon, Marrakech, Moai, Ticket to Ride 1: USA, Time's Up viola , Utopia, Valley of the Mammoth, |
Editore | Megalopole srl |
Giochi trattati | Felix: the Cat in the Sack, Frankenstein, Kahmaté, Key Harvest, Kontor, Patrician, Patrizier : The Delegates, Privacy 2, Race for the Galaxy, Ranabag, San Juan, Stone Age, Tribun, X-Bugs 1, |
Editore | Megalopole srl |
Allegati |
Gioco o inserto: Patrizier : The Delegates |