Spielbox (2013)

Articoli su rivista

Titolo articolo Giochi trattati Pagina Autore Tipo articolo Giudizio
Omaggio : Tessere "Emporium e Monument" Keyflower: Emporium and Monument 0 Gioco o Inserto
A well done late première Bruges 3 Ruschitzka Edwin Recensione dettagliata
Interview : Stefan Feld 5 Ruschitzka Edwin Interviste o report di Convention
Illustrating the fact that we do not need a BG editor Kniffel das Kartenspiel 6 KMW (Knut Michael Wolf) Recensione dettagliata
Alas Caesar Augustus 8 Bartsch Udo Recensione dettagliata
We need more like it New Amsterdam 10 Dagger Stuart Recensione dettagliata
Cooperative point of view La Boca 12 Ducksch Stefan Recensione dettagliata C
Departure from Knuffingen Central station Wonderland 14 Schrapers Harald Recensione dettagliata C
A bit like Communism Archipelago 16 Felber Tom Recensione dettagliata
To be continued Lancaster: Henry V - The Power of the King 19 L.U.Dikus (Jochen Corts) Recensione breve D
First class ticket to Nowhere Express 01 20 Hardel Mathias Recensione dettagliata D
Interview : Peter Eggert 22 Hardel Mathias Interviste o report di Convention
Background : Spieleschmiede 24 Voigt Claus Interviste o report di Convention
Rude service in the Caribbean Libertalia 26 Bartsch Udo Recensione dettagliata
Pure Joy of Thinking : Declaration Games 28 L.U.Dikus (Jochen Corts) Articolo di carattere generale
Print & Play : Recent Additions 32 Humphries John Articolo di carattere generale
Keep Playing : Games night with TV actors 34 Felber Tom Articolo di carattere generale
Appropos : Carcassonne 35 Wenzel Sebastian Recensione breve
Inspector Lucky frequently interfering P.I. 36 KMW (Knut Michael Wolf) Recensione dettagliata C
Small step 1969 38 Wieland Herold Recensione dettagliata
Warm-up battles for Ragnarok Asgard 40 Klein Christian Recensione dettagliata
Feature : Looping Louie - Children's game on speed Gino Pilotino 42 Balkenhol Nicola Recensione breve
Dinghies in the dark Cave (The) 44 Hardel Mathias Recensione dettagliata D
For Kids : Doggie Bones 46 Wieland Herold Recensione breve
For Kids : What do we play now ? 46 Wieland Herold Recensione breve
For Kids : Auf die Weide, fertig, los ! 47 Wieland Herold Recensione breve
At a glance Dog Royal 48 Conrad Christwart Recensione breve C
At a glance Crazy Lab 49 Wieland Herold Recensione breve D
At a glance Auf die Nusse! 49 L.U.Dikus (Jochen Corts) Recensione breve D
At a glance Dicht dran 52 Ducksch Stefan Recensione breve C
At a glance Bankraub 52 Wieland Herold Recensione breve D
Short Notes 54 Articolo di carattere generale
Tweaks and Variations : No features in the same location P.I. 56 KMW (Knut Michael Wolf) -1
Tweaks and Variations : Negative Bids/Mitigated Calculation New Amsterdam 56 Conrad Christwart -1
Tweaks and Variations : Unequal Teams Dog Royal 56 Conrad Christwart -1

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