Spielbox (2012)

Articoli su rivista

Titolo articolo Giochi trattati Pagina Autore Tipo articolo Giudizio
Mini espansione per Carcassonne Carcassonne: Little Buildings 0 Tisch Christof Gioco o Inserto
Aperitif for The Legends of Andor Andor 4 KMW (Knut Michael Wolf) Articolo di carattere generale
Current : Deutscher Spielpreis 2012 8 Articolo di carattere generale
All around the Houses Milestones 10 Ducksch Stefan Recensione dettagliata C
Worth your attention Edo 12 Dagger Stuart Recensione dettagliata
Background : Stefan and Louis Malz 15 Wieland Herold Interviste o report di Convention
Death by Nose-Flip Dungeon Fighter 16 Bartsch Udo Recensione dettagliata
Feature : 10 Tage durch Deutschland 18 L.U.Dikus (Jochen Corts) Recensione dettagliata
Feature : Catan Star Trek e Baden-Wurttemberg 20 Ruschitzka Edwin Articolo di carattere generale
Current : 15 years of Bohnanza illustrations 22 Tisch Christof Interviste o report di Convention
Significantly slimmer Agricola All Creatures Big and Small 1 24 KMW (Knut Michael Wolf) Recensione dettagliata
Oldie Bauernschlau 26 L.U.Dikus (Jochen Corts) Recensione breve
Portrait : Andrea Meyer 28 Bartsch Udo Interviste o report di Convention
Pure Joy of Thinking : Deduction games 31 L.U.Dikus (Jochen Corts) Articolo di carattere generale
Through the maze without a map Sidibaba 36 Schrapers Harald Recensione dettagliata E
Print & Play : Homemade Tracks 38 Humphries John Articolo di carattere generale
The Cardinal sets the pace Richelieu 40 Conrad Christwart Recensione dettagliata B
Trinity is still my game Deadwood 42 L.U.Dikus (Jochen Corts) Recensione dettagliata B
Report : A personal view of GenCon 2012 44 Blanco Sebastian Interviste o report di Convention
Dr. Strangelove sends his regards Manhattan Project (The) 48 Grimm Olivier Recensione dettagliata B
To be continued Rattus: Africanus 50 L.U.Dikus (Jochen Corts) Recensione breve D
To be continued Rattus: Pied Piper 50 L.U.Dikus (Jochen Corts) Recensione breve B
About African gold and rough gem Colonial: Europe's Empires Overseas 52 Van Vugt Richard Recensione dettagliata B
Storage holds are so yesterday Riff Raff 55 Ruschitzka Edwin Recensione breve B
For Kids : Coco Capitano 56 Schrapers Harald Recensione breve
For Kids : Captain Kidd 56 Schrapers Harald Recensione breve
At a glance Drako 57 L.U.Dikus (Jochen Corts) Recensione breve C
At a glance Hand aufs Herz 58 Schrapers Harald Recensione breve C
At a glance Was klotzt du? 59 Bartsch Udo Recensione breve D
At a glance Divinare 60 Ducksch Stefan Recensione breve C
Short Notes 61 Articolo di carattere generale
Tweaks and Variations : Interest on action points Sewer Pirats 63 Conrad Christwart Varianti o Modifiche
Tweaks and Variations : Discount price for price discounts Agricola All Creatures Big and Small 1 64 L.U.Dikus (Jochen Corts) Varianti o Modifiche
Tweaks and Variations : More leeway in the two player game Divinare 64 Conrad Christwart Varianti o Modifiche

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