Spielbox (2012)

Articoli su rivista

Titolo articolo Giochi trattati Pagina Autore Tipo articolo Giudizio
Omaggio : Carta "Louis" 7 Wonders 0 Gioco o Inserto
Runs like a clockwork Eclipse 4 Hardel Mathias Recensione dettagliata
The magic fades Grimoria 10 Bartsch Udo Recensione dettagliata C
Stopgap Tasso 12 KMW (Knut Michael Wolf) Recensione breve C
Heap of pixels turned into cardboard Farmerama 13 Schrapers Harald Recensione dettagliata D
Please do not cook the figurines! Sewer Pirats 16 Ruschitzka Edwin Recensione dettagliata
Portrait : Wolfgang Kramer 18 Bartsch Udo Interviste o report di Convention
Illuminated with a flashlight GOA 24 Bartsch Udo Recensione dettagliata
To be continued K2 : Broad Peak 26 Hardel Mathias Recensione breve B
Antique for two Antike: Casus Belli 28 Klein Christian Recensione dettagliata
Pure Joy of Thinking 31 L.U.Dikus (Jochen Corts) Articolo di carattere generale
Ahead of its time? Saxum 34 Hardel Mathias Recensione breve
Weak ... inactive ... zeros Friday 36 Bartsch Udo Recensione dettagliata
Let the others do the work Quebec 38 Ducksch Stefan Recensione dettagliata C
Surcharge for latecomers Vintage 40 Conrad Christwart Recensione dettagliata C
To be continued Speicherstadt: Kaispeicher 44 KMW (Knut Michael Wolf) Recensione breve B
Jogging with lead-soled boots Warriors & Traders 45 Hardel Mathias Recensione dettagliata
Print & PLay 48 Humphries John Articolo di carattere generale
Even Kitty wants to be saved Flash Point: Fire Rescue 50 Grimm Olivier Recensione dettagliata
Hold on a second while I rule the world Nefarious 52 Tisch Christof Recensione dettagliata D
For Kids : Streifen Toni 54 Wieland Herold Recensione breve
For Kids : Kleine Regenbogenraupe 54 Wieland Herold Recensione breve
For Kids : Kokoriko 55 Wieland Herold Recensione breve
For Kids : Zebra-Schwein 56 Schrapers Harald Recensione breve
For Kids : Flossen hich ! 56 Schrapers Harald Recensione breve
At a glance Companeros 57 Ruschitzka Edwin Recensione breve C
At a glance Sun Tzu 58 L.U.Dikus (Jochen Corts) Recensione breve
At a glance Bullenparty 59 Ruschitzka Edwin Recensione breve
Short Notes 60 Articolo di carattere generale
Spiel and Kennerspiel des Jahres 2012 61 Hardel Mathias Articolo di carattere generale
Latecomer Tumblin Dice 62 L.U.Dikus (Jochen Corts) Recensione breve
Tweaks and variations : More dice in the game for two Vegas 63 Conrad Christwart Varianti o Modifiche
Tweaks and variations : Guaranteed well- Balanced Development cards to begin with Mundus Novus 63 Conrad Christwart Varianti o Modifiche
Tweaks and variations : Luck factor reduced Takenoko 64 Conrad Christwart Varianti o Modifiche

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