WIN The Game Journal (2/2011)

Articoli su rivista

Titolo articolo Giochi trattati Pagina Autore Tipo articolo Giudizio
Gioco in inserto Tiku 0 Knizia Reiner Gioco o Inserto
Da Vinci or Botticelli ? Florenza 2 Ligabue Andrea Recensione dettagliata
Building Towers in old Florence Firenze 4 Wawra Markus Recensione dettagliata B
Hart, Harder , Dead ! Dungeonquest 6 Klemens Franz Recensione dettagliata C
Wine cubes & Co. Grand Cru 8 Schatzl Harald Recensione dettagliata
Union vs Confederates Blockade Runner 10 Kocsan Erwin Recensione dettagliata C
Carpets, Jewels, Spices Marché de Samarkand (Le) 13 De Cassan Dagmar Recensione breve
Played for you (Children) : Agent doppelnull 16 Recensione breve
Played for you (Children) : Animal upon Animal 16 Recensione breve
Played for you Arlecchino 17 Recensione breve
Played for you Antigua 17 Recensione breve
Played for you (Children) : Banana Balance 18 Recensione breve
Played for you Scrabble Slam 18 Recensione breve
Played for you (Children) : Cacinas 19 Recensione breve
Played for you Buzz it! 19 Recensione breve
Played for you Cat & Chocolate 20 Recensione breve
Played for you Cornucopia 20 Recensione breve
Played for you Krokodil-Spiel (Das) 21 Recensione breve
Played for you (Children) : Der Formen-Kobold 21 Recensione breve
Played for you (Children) : Zauberlehrlinge 22 Recensione breve
Played for you Pillars of the Earth: The Card Game 22 Recensione breve
Played for you Freeze 23 Recensione breve
Played for you (Children) : Hit the Hat 23 Recensione breve
Played for you Im bann der mumie 24 Recensione breve
Played for you (Children) : Cocotaki 24 Recensione breve
Played for you (Children) : Mausezocken 25 Recensione breve
Played for you Last Call 25 Recensione breve
Played for you Mobbing 26 Recensione breve
Played for you Mecanisburgo: Mutants on Mars 26 Recensione breve
Played for you Murder Mystery Mansion 27 Recensione breve
Played for you (Children) : Monster Unterm Bett 27 Recensione breve
Played for you (Children) : My very first Game 28 Recensione breve
Played for you Penta 28 Recensione breve
Played for you Power Grid 6: Russia/Japan 29 Recensione breve
Played for you Pipeline Duell 29 Recensione breve
Played for you The Rose King 30 Recensione breve
Played for you Scorpio 30 Recensione breve
Played for you Paradisio 31 Recensione breve
Played for you Splits 31 Recensione breve
Played for you Stronghold 32 Recensione breve
Played for you Stick-Meister 32 Recensione breve
Played for you (Children) : Tipo Toy 33 Recensione breve
Played for you Triumvirate 33 Recensione breve
Played for you Trivial Pursuit: Steal Card Game 34 Recensione breve
Played for you Trollland 34 Recensione breve
Played for you Zombies!!! 7: send in the Clowns 35 Recensione breve
Played for you Zooloretto Boss 35 Recensione breve

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