WIN The Game Journal (8/2010)

Articoli su rivista

Titolo articolo Giochi trattati Pagina Autore Tipo articolo Giudizio
Austrian Games Award 2010 2 De Cassan Dagmar Articolo di carattere generale
Under the reign of the Crusaders Jerusalem 4 Dillingerova Monika Recensione dettagliata
Camels instead of Steam Engines Samarkand: Routes to riches 6 Schatzl Harald Recensione dettagliata
Scotsmen, sheep and liquor Glen More 8 Heinzinger Roman Recensione dettagliata C
A classical railway game Steam 10 Wawra Markus Recensione dettagliata
More shares, less steam Steam Barons 12 Wawra Markus Recensione dettagliata
Fight the Black Death ! Rattus 14 Schranz Maria Recensione dettagliata D
Wood, desert or sea for your realm Bala Ra 16 De Cassan Dagmar Recensione breve
Bank, saloon, gold mine or pasture El Paso 17 De Cassan Dagmar Recensione breve
Cogs sailing from Lubeck to London Lubeck 18 De Cassan Dagmar Recensione breve C
Conflict among the stars Race for Galaxy : The brink of War 19 Vavru Christoph Recensione breve A
Dungeon Crawl en Famille Treasures of the Dark Tower (The) 20 Lhotzky Martina Recensione breve C
Tea from Chang'an to Byzantium Seidenstrasse 21 De Cassan Dagmar Recensione breve
Played for you 22 Pommes 22 Recensione breve
Played for you (Children) : Artistico 23 Recensione breve
Played for you Bibi Blocksberg: Hexenkugel 24 Recensione breve
Played for you (Children) : Bushido Tanin 24 Recensione breve
Played for you Chicago Express : Narrow Gauge 25 Recensione breve
Played for you Cubiko 25 Recensione breve
Played for you (Children) : Krokodil 26 Recensione breve
Played for you Die Exorzisten 27 Recensione breve
Played for you Gangsta! 28 Recensione breve
Played for you (Children) : Fuzzy Tiger 28 Recensione breve
Played for you (Children) : Geisslein 29 Recensione breve
Played for you Giro d'Italia 29 Recensione breve
Played for you Greedy Kingdoms 30 Recensione breve
Played for you Gut Gefragt ist halb gewonnen 30 Recensione breve
Played for you Kamen-Zbrane-Papir 31 Recensione breve
Played for you Connections 31 Recensione breve
Played for you Liebesgefluster 32 Recensione breve
Played for you (Children) : Kinder Sequence 32 Recensione breve
Played for you Monopoly Free Parking 33 Recensione breve
Played for you (Children) : Memo Extra 33 Recensione breve
Played for you (Children) : Oups 34 Recensione breve
Played for you Raus die Maus ! 34 Recensione breve
Played for you (Children) : Shaun das Schaf 35 Recensione breve
Played for you (Children) : Schatz-Alarm 35 Recensione breve
Played for you Tanto Cuore 36 Recensione breve
Played for you Castle of the Devil 36 Recensione breve
Played for you Witcher (The): The Adventure Card Game 37 Recensione breve
Played for you Thunderstone 37 Recensione breve
Played for you (Children) : Tipi 38 Recensione breve
Played for you Timestreams 38 Recensione breve
Played for you (Children) : Tohunga 39 Recensione breve
Played for you (Children) : UFO attacke 39 Recensione breve
Played for you (Children) : Verfuhlt noch mal ! 40 Recensione breve
Played for you (Children) : Wo ist mausi ? 40 Recensione breve
Played for you X610Z Existenz 41 Recensione breve
Played for you Zombies!!! 6: Six feet under 41 Recensione breve
Hugo Kastner Recommends Tara: Ireland's Royal Board Game 43 Kastner Hugo Articolo di carattere generale

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