WIN The Game Journal (11/2019)

Articoli su rivista

Titolo articolo Giochi trattati Pagina Autore Tipo articolo Giudizio
Cooperative Urban Development Cities: Skylines - The Boargame 2 De Cassan Dagmar Recensione dettagliata B
Scientists on the move Newton 5 Mostebock Hans Recensione dettagliata B
Four Seasons at Keydom Key Flow 8 Cremona Pietro (Leggi) Recensione dettagliata B
Played for you Taverns of Tiefenthal (The) 12 Recensione breve
Played for you (Children): Bank Alarm 12 Recensione breve
Played for you Fillit 13 Recensione breve
Played for you Fenix 13 Recensione breve
Played for you (Children): Go, Gorilla! 14 Recensione breve
Played for you (Children): Grizzly 14 Recensione breve
Played for you (Children): Hokus pokus flipibus 15 Recensione breve
Played for you It's Gettin' Dicey 15 Recensione breve
Played for you (Children): Kippelino 16 Recensione breve
Played for you (Children): Kinderspiel aus aller welt 16 Recensione breve
Played for you (Children): Plumber Pants 17 Recensione breve
Played for you Kitchen Rush (Revised Edition) 17 Recensione breve
Played for you Qwixx on Board 18 Recensione breve
Played for you Quiztopia 18 Recensione breve
Played for you Ruck's Raus! 19 Recensione breve
Played for you Revolution of 1828 19 Recensione breve
Played for you (Children): Shaun das Schaf 20 Recensione breve
Played for you Sonar Family 20 Recensione breve
Played for you Stinky 21 Recensione breve
Played for you Terramara 21 Recensione breve
Played for you (Children): Tetris Duell 22 Recensione breve
Played for you Tuki 22 Recensione breve
Played for you Undo: Blood in the Gutter 23 Recensione breve
Played for you Wizard Wurfelspiel 23 Recensione breve

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