Spielbox (8/2015)

Articoli su rivista

Titolo articolo Giochi trattati Pagina Autore Tipo articolo Giudizio
Spiel des Jahres 2015 4 Hardel Mathias Interviste o report di Convention
An old Broom will sweep just as well Broom Service 6 Ruschitzka Edwin Recensione dettagliata
This ain't no pony farm Evolution 8 Ducksch Stefan Recensione dettagliata
The heart note is missing Parfum 10 Wieland Herold Recensione dettagliata
Perlhuhn Chronology n° 12 12 L.U.Dikus (Jochen Corts) Articolo di carattere generale
Appropos : Stratego 15 Wenzel Sebastian Recensione breve
Analogous to a Computer game Loony Quest 16 Balkenhol Nicola Recensione dettagliata
The mother of all defeats Stratego Waterloo 18 Hardel Mathias Recensione dettagliata A
Too finely polished Kraftwagen 22 Ducksch Stefan Recensione dettagliata
Rule-book vs Internet decree Hyperborea 24 Van Vugt Richard Recensione dettagliata
City Building Games (8) 26 Conrad Christwart Articolo di carattere generale
Circular motion in Space Theseus : The Dark Orbit 30 Pelek Roman Recensione dettagliata
A look Back : "Attaque" and "Stratego" 32 Boutin Michel Articolo di carattere generale
Where is Des Moines exactly ? Spike 34 KMW (Knut Michael Wolf) Recensione dettagliata
Uwe likes it too Brew Crafters 36 Dagger Stuart Recensione dettagliata
To be continued Historia: Civilization Goals 39 Hardel Mathias Recensione breve C
To be continued Historia : The ways of Command 39 Hardel Mathias Recensione breve C
Pure joy of Thinking : Winning by stacking 40 L.U.Dikus (Jochen Corts) Articolo di carattere generale
Focus on atmosphere Dead of Winter (2nd Edition) 44 Staber Matthias Recensione dettagliata
Portrait : Kevin Zucker 46 Burtt John Articolo di carattere generale
For Kids : Schatz-Rabatz 49 Wieland Herold Recensione breve
For Kids : Schau Mail ! 50 Wieland Herold Recensione breve
For Kids : Froschlein aufgepasst ! 50 Wieland Herold Recensione breve
For Kids : Fliegenschmaus 51 Schrapers Harald Recensione breve
For Kids : Chef Alfredo 51 Schrapers Harald Recensione breve
At a glance Fendo 52 Conrad Christwart Recensione breve B
At a glance Get Lucky 53 L.U.Dikus (Jochen Corts) Recensione breve C
At a glance MammuZ 54 Schrapers Harald Recensione breve
34th Game Designers meeting at Gottingen 55 Wieland Herold Interviste o report di Convention
Tweaks and Variations : Tournament rules Gino Pilotino 56 Conrad Christwart Varianti o Modifiche
Tweaks and Variations : Reduction of the playing area Fendo 56 Conrad Christwart Varianti o Modifiche


Puzzle Strike (Fronte) Puzzle Strike (Retro)

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