WIN The Game Journal (6/2020)

Critiques sur magazine

Titre Jeux considérés Page Auteur Genre Evaluation
Which ones are correct? Smart 10 2 De Cassan Dagmar Analyse en bref A
Land for auction Pappy Winchester 3 De Cassan Dagmar Analyse en bref B
Urban development with cubes and cards Tiny Towns 4 De Cassan Dagmar Analyse en bref B
Patience means success! Barrage 5 Bareder Thomas Analyse détaillée A
Played for you (Children): Igelfreunde 7 De Cassan Dagmar Analyse en bref B
Dice-rolling onwards-meandering Marco Polo II: In the Service of the Khan 8 Schatzl Harald Analyse B
... Ca-ta-stro-phs! Paris: New Eden 9 Schatzl Harald Analyse détaillée B
... and now I am going to take it! Fox in the Forest (The) 11 Domberger Jorg Analyse B
Discover the US National parks Parks 12 De Cassan Dagmar Analyse A
How can I get rid of them? Voll Verasselt! 13 De Cassan Dagmar Analyse en bref B
Played for you (Children): Bermuda Pirates 14 Analyse en bref
Played for you (Children): Banditti 14 Analyse en bref
Played for you Hilo 15 Analyse en bref
Played for you Escape Room: The Game 15 Analyse en bref
Played for you (Children): Krasserfall 16 Analyse en bref
Played for you (Children): Invasion of teh Cow snatchers 16 Analyse en bref
Played for you Divvy Dice 17 Analyse en bref
Played for you Spicy 17 Analyse en bref
Played for you Yokai 18 Analyse en bref
Played for you Truth Bombs 18 Analyse en bref
Unlimited travels on game boards! (International Games Museum) 19 Critique générique
Spiel der spiele und Spiele Hits 2020 23 Critique générique

Commentaires des lecteurs

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