Evaluated games | Above, Above and Below, Big Money, Bosk, Castles of Tuscany (The), Clank! A Deckbuilding Adventure, Dream Runners, Godfather: Corleone's Empire, Joraku, Magnastorm, Marche du Crabe (La), Maskot, No problemot, Okko Chronicles, Poisons, Roméo et Juliette, |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Gioco o inserto: Clank! A Deckbuilding Adventure |
Evaluated games | Apocalypse au Zoo de Carson City, Glace et le Ciel (La), Kiwara, L'Empereur (Le Jeu), London Dread, Mad Trip, One Punch Man, Poc!, Princess Jing, Scarabya, Shadows: Amsterdam, Shahrazad, Shinobi, Small Islands, Solenia, Tale of Pirates (A), That's a Question, Treasure Island, Triolet, |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Evaluated games | 1911 Amudsen vs Scott, Breaking Bad, Cubirds, Dice Age: The Hunt, Dwar7s Fall, Ex Libris, Gloomhaven, Immortals, Mauw, Mauw: Reactions, Meeple Circus, Metal Mania, Minute Realms, OrcQuest, Retro Loonacy, Secret Hitler, Sector 6, Smile, Ticket to Mars, Topiary, Tortuga 1667, |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Gioco o inserto: Mauw |
Evaluated games | 1920 Wall Street, Bottle Imp (The), Cavern Tavern, Chimera Station, Dog, First Martians: Adventures on the Red Planet, Flip Ships, Fugitive, Fuse, Gaia Project, Laurel Crown, Merlin, One Deck Dungeon, Pioneers, Prank of the Fox, Rebonds, Rise to Nobility, Stellium, The Mind, Tulip Bubble, War of the Buttons, |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Gioco o inserto: Flip Ships Gioco o inserto: One Deck Dungeon |
Evaluated games | Attack on Titan: the Last Stand, Can't Stop, Castles of Burgundy: The Card Game, Champions of Midgard, Entropy, Herbalism, Istanbul: The Dice Game, Kikkasai, Marvel Dice Masters : Avengers vs X-Men, Oracle of Delphi (The), Otys, Overseers, Pencil Park, Perfect Hotel, Qwinto, Raptor, Rattle, Battle, Grab the Loot, Roborace, Santo Domingo, Time Arena, Up & Down, |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Gioco o inserto: Up & Down Gioco o inserto: Otys Scenario: Up & Down |
Evaluated games | Anachrony, Antarctica, Arbre (L'), Baseball Highlkights: 2045, Blackwood, Bunny Kingdom, Catch the Moon, Chimère, Dragons, Dungeon Rush, Frogriders, Kuna Yala, Mot, Panic Mansion, Panthalos, Photosynthesis, Profiler, RoboRama, Santorini, Shinobi Just, Treasure Lair, Ulm, Warbit; Dicejar vs Psycholon, Zoop, |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Gioco o inserto: Bunny Kingdom Gioco o inserto: Blackwood Gioco o inserto: Mot |
Evaluated games | 504, Arena: For the Gods, Do De Li Do, Feast for Odin, Fields of Arle, In the Name of Odin, Kharnage, Magic Maze, Meowtopia, Paku Paku, Round House, Secret de Sarens (Le), Sensei, Terraforming Mars, Tikal, Tropico, |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Gioco o inserto: Arena: For the Gods |
Evaluated games | Area 51: Top Secret, Behind the Throne, Codenames: Pictures, Cthulhu Wars, Deception : Murder in Hong Kong, Edenia, Hack Trick, Inis, Key to the City - London, Noxford, Odyssey: Wrath of Poseidon, Others (The), Pagoda, Railroad Revolution, Scythe, Seafall, Thunderbirds, V-Commandos, |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Gioco o inserto: V-Commandos |
Evaluated games | 1001, 7 Wonders Duel: Pantheon, Argo, Capital Lux, Dice Stars, Great Western Trail, Hero Realms, Hird, Lorenzo il Magnifico, Nautilion, Pandemic: Reign of Cthulhu, Plenus, Port Royal, Raiders of the North Sea, Rival Kings, SMS, Small Star Empires, Spike, Sponsio, Styx 666, Watson & Holmes (2a edizione), |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Evaluated games | Bubblee Pop !, Dokmus, Evolution, Fuji Flush, Honshù, Huh ?, Ice Cool, Meduris, Orléans, Orléans : Invasion, Raise your Goblets, Roll for the Galaxy, Sherlock 13, Super Dungeon Explore : Forgotten King, |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Gioco o inserto: Roll for the Galaxy |
Evaluated games | Aladdin and the Magic Lamp, Bluff You !, Brix, Checkpoint Charlie, Conan, Conflict of Heroes : Guadalcanal - The Pacific 1942, Cottage Garden, Diamant, Dungeon Rush, Eight Minute Empire: Legends, Fabled Fruit, Freak Shop, Gregory Horror Show, Hit Z Road, Keep Cool, Mondrian: The Dice Game, Pocket Madness, Sifaka, Vikings on Board, Viticulture Essential Edition, What's Up, |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Scenario: Conan |
Evaluated games | Alchemidus, Android: Mainframe, Animals on board, Ankh, Arma, Bermudes, Boss Monster, Bretagne, Celestia: A Little Help, Deep Sea Adventure, Defense Three kingdoms, Garden of Minions, Hoax (Second Edition), Hostage Negotiator, Junk Art, Kanagawa, King's Forge, Kingdomino, Ra: The Boardgame, Schotten Totten, Vallée des Rois (La), |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Evaluated games | Andor: Chada & Thorn, Aquarium, Beyond Baker Street, Chronicle, Dark darker darkest, Forbidden Stars, Joraku, Kodama : The Three Spirits, Petits détectives de Monstres, Poilus : John Reese Europe, Shakespeare: Back Stage, Ticket to Ride 6: Rails and Sails, Ticket to Ride Maps: 5 - United Kingdom & Pennsylvania, Ticket to Ride: First Journey (US), |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Gioco o inserto: Poilus : John Reese Europe Scenario: Petits détectives de Monstres |
Evaluated games | Castles of Burgundy, Castles of Burgundy: The Card Game, Cave Troll, Codenames, Focus (2016), Food Chain Magnate, Jolly Roger: The Game of Piracy and Mutiny, Krosmaster Arena, Kréo, Mansions of Madness : Forbidden Alchemy, Nord, Pagamas, Pluckin' Pairs, Prodigals Club (The), Quadropolis, SOL, Twinz, Viceroy, Zany Penguins, |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Gioco o inserto: Pluckin' Pairs |
Evaluated games | Battle at Kemble's cascade, Domus Domini, Freedom : The Underground Railroad, Happy Pigs, Inhabit the Earth, Loony Quest : The Lost City, Lutèce, Melee, Outlaws : Last Man Standing, Paris 1800, Porta Nigra, Queen's Architect, Sea of Clouds, Ships, Spexxx, Spookies, Star Realms, T.I.M.E. Stories, |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Gioco o inserto: Happy Pigs |
Evaluated games | 7 Wonders Duel, Alien Frontiers : Aurora, Alien Wars, Broom Service, Conflict of Heroes : Eastern Front Solo Expansion, Conflict of Heroes : Firefight Generator, Demoniak, Hengist, Isle of Skye, Karnivore Koala, Kumo Hogosha, Kune V Lakia, Loony Quest, Luchador !, Mare Nostrum Empires, Mombasa, My Village, Pizza Time, Spirits !, Timeline Challenge, Titan Race, Tragedy Looper, Trambahn, Xenoshyft Onslaught, Zombies vs Cheerleaders, |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Gioco o inserto: 7 Wonders Duel Gioco o inserto: Loony Quest |
Evaluated games | Age of Discovery, Arboretum, Art of War : The Card Game, Bloody Inn (The), Chicago Poker, Game of Trains, Karuba, Little Prince : Rising to the Stars, Lords of Scotland, Minerva, New York 1901, Njet!, Nothing Personal, Revoltaaa, Star Wars: Empire vs Rebellion, Star Wars: Imperial Assault, Tichu, |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Gioco o inserto: New York 1901 |
Evaluated games | Artifacts Inc., Big Book of Madness (The), Dino Twist, Fan & Mallet, Flick'em Up !, Fram R'Lyeh, Go Da Cheese, Idol Conclave & Million Hit Chart, Krosmaster Quest, Lifeboats, Medina (HIG), Prohis, Reidemeister, Room 25: Season 2, Save the Queen, Sheep & Thief, Siggil, Spyfall, Tales & Games: Cappuccetto Rosso e il Lupo cattivo, Tales of Arabian Nights, |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Gioco o inserto: Big Book of Madness (The) Gioco o inserto: Dino Twist |
Evaluated games | 1944 : Race to the Rhine, Attila, Barony, Blue Max: World War I Air Combat, Builders: Antiquity (The), Clash of Cultures: Civilizations, El Capitan, Fish'n'stones, Five Tribes : The Artisans of Naqala, Gaia, Geisterei, Hoyuk, Masterline, Mazins (The), Merchants & Marauders: Seas of Glory, Metal Adventures, Opération Commando : Pegasus Bridge, Pandemic: State of Emergency, Rivet Wars : Eastern Front, Spinderella, Starfighter, Targets, World of Tanks: Rush, |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Gioco o inserto: Fish'n'stones |
Evaluated games | Ancient World (The), Ars Alchimia, Assault on Doomrock, Cacao, Casting, Celestia, Dice Run, Dominant Species, El Gaucho, Kenjin, New York 1901, Ninja Taisen, Orcs Orcs Orcs, Padamelon, Ricochet Robots, Rolling Japan, Saboteur: The Duel, Tales & Games: La Cicala e la Formica, Tasso, Trains, Ugo, Unita, |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Gioco o inserto: Kenjin |
Evaluated games | Abracada ... What ?, Agent Hunter, Aquasphere, Heros à louer, Loony Quest, Machi Koro: Milionaire's Row, Nonsense VDM, Planet Steam, Play me: Alice in Wonderland , Poilus (Les), Qui dort dine, Sail to India, Sapiens, Steam Donkey, Thunder Alley, Versailles (NSKN), Welcome to the Dungeon, |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Gioco o inserto: Sapiens |
Evaluated games | Abyss, Archaeologia, Carcassonne 09: Hills & Sheep, Carcassonne ATW02: Gold Rush, Crabz, Elysium, Essen the Game : Spiel '13, Gambo, GodZ, Guardians' Chronicles, Historia, Imperialism : Road to Domination, King of New York, Kingsport Festival, Lords of Xidit, Pantarei, Patchistory, Phoi, Qenj, Realm of Wonder, Royals, Slavika : Equinox, Spells of Doom, Sun Tzu, Zik, |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Gioco o inserto: Zik Gioco o inserto: Lords of Xidit |
Evaluated games | 7 Wonders: Babel, Activity Junior, Cyclades: Titans, Dead of Winter (2nd Edition), Dreaming Spires, Escape : The Curse of the Temple, Escape : Zombie City, Istanbul, King's Gold, Lap Dance, Mythotopia, Numerabis, Onk-Onk, P.I., Pandemic: Contagion, Pandemic: The Cure, Piratoons, Tortuga (QG), Venezia 2099, Witness, |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Gioco o inserto: Dead of Winter (2nd Edition) Gioco o inserto: Istanbul |
Evaluated games | 7 kingdoms, Akrotiri, Aristo-Maze, Artificium, Baston, Boom Bokken, Castles of Mad King Ludwig, Choson, Colt Express, Comment j'ai adopté un Gnou, Crazy Circus, Dragon Run, Edo Yashiki, Fleet Commander 1 - Ignition, Hansa Teutonica, Hansa Teutonica: Britannia, Imperial Settlers, Isaribi, Ka-Boom, Kakerlakentanz, Korrigans, Mage Wars Arena, Mangrovia, Monsters and Maidens, Mythe, Parade, Spice Merchant, Staufer Dynasty (The), Wakanda, |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Gioco o inserto: Colt Express Gioco o inserto: Boom Bokken |
Evaluated games | Abyss, Android Netrunner, Black Fleet, Boutabou, Dark Horse, Detective academy, Deus, Friday the 13th, Machi Koro: Harbor, Nations: The Dice Game, Pièces montées, Reef Encounter, Tales & Games: La Lepre e Tartaruga, Vérone, Waritori penguins (Click & Crack), |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Gioco o inserto: Abyss |
Evaluated games | Animal Suspect, Azteka, Caverna: The Cave Farmer, Co-mix, Coach Ride to Devil's Castle, Colors of Kasane, Desperados of Dice Town, Eldritch Horror, Estiméo, Gloobz, Lemminge, Lo rose noire, Manhattan Project (The), Mythe, Nain Jaune, New Dawn, Palmyra (2013), Patchwork, Rivals of Catan, Rivals of Catan : Age of Darkness, Rivals of Catan : Age of enlightenment, Samurai Spirit, Warhammer 40.000: Conquest, Winter Tales, |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Gioco o inserto: Desperados of Dice Town |
Evaluated games | Barbarossa, Camel Up, Carnival Zombie, Copa, Elemon, Enigma, Fish fish, Five Tribes, Flash Point: Fire Rescue, Il était une foret, Illegal, Kanoshita, Labyrinthe flash, Ready to rock !, Roll for the Galaxy, Romans Go Home!, Ruins Explorer, Savannah Café, Space Walk, Wakanda : The Three LIttle Coyotes, We will Wok you, |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Gioco o inserto: Five Tribes Gioco o inserto: Wakanda : The Three LIttle Coyotes |
Evaluated games | Archipelago, Boxes, CV, Cash'n Guns (Second Edition), Eight Minute Empire, Gobblet !, Heroes of Normandie, Hyperborea, Lancaster, Mount Everest, Praetor, Progress : Evolution of Technology, Prosperity, Robin, Romolo o Remo?, Serpent's tongue, Sold out !, Vikings, Vorpals, Yedo, |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Gioco o inserto: CV Scenario: Archipelago |
Evaluated games | Amerigo, Bendomino, Black Spy, CV, Compact Curling, Glastonbury, Golden Horn: Da Venezia a Costantinopoli, Invazions, Landlord, Lords of Xidit, Madame Ching, Medieval Academy, Pandemic: On the Brink, Seasons : Enchanted Kingdom, Sultaniya, The Net, Triple 3, Zombie 15', |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Gioco o inserto: Zombie 15' Gioco o inserto: Medieval Academy |
Evaluated games | 30 Carats, Ascending Empires, Cappuccino, Continental Express, Croa!, Essen the Game : Spiel '13, Expedition: Northwest Passage, Forbidden Desert, Ginkgopolis: The Experts, Heart of Crown, Inkognito, Krosmaster Arena, Letnisko, Longhorn, Mancala, Mauna Kea, Nox, Origin, Oss, Pharaoh Code, Pina Pirata, Pitch'n Goal, Rockwell, S-Evolution, SOS Titanic, Schnipp es !, Trench, Vikings: Warriors of the North, |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Gioco o inserto: Rockwell |
Evaluated games | Armadora, Builders: Middle Ages (The), Coal Baron, Concordia, Donburiko, Eat me, if you can, Eggs of ostrich, Futterneid, Heroes of Normandie, Kampen om Norge, Metallum, Pan t'es mort, Pentos, Rockwell, Saboteur, Say bye to the Villains, Skirmish! The Scrambles, Soluna, Sukimono, Sushi draft!, TF22 Mine, TF22 Reloaded, Wildcatters, Witch's coming, Yokai no mori, |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Gioco o inserto: Saboteur |
Evaluated games | 8 Master's Revenge, Bang!: The Dice Game, Blueprints, City of Horror, Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia, Fantome de l'Opera, Garden Dice, Invocateurs, Koryo, Maka Bana, Master Dés, Mice and Mystics, Om nom nom, Quantum, Qwixx, Saint Malo, Steam Park, Super Farmer: Rancho, Suprématie, Tokaido: Crossroads, Tomorrow, Town Center (4th Edition), Yomi, |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Gioco o inserto: City of Horror |
Evaluated games | Chicago Stock Exchange, Corto, Dungeon Fighter : Fire at Will, Iknow, Kayanak, Legacy : The Testament of Duke de Crecy, Lewis & Clark, Ovo, Phantom Society (The), Polis : Fight for the Hegemony, |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Gioco o inserto: Lewis & Clark |
Evaluated games | Abyss, Battle Sheep, Berserk: Tactical Card Game - War of Realms, Braggart, Bruges, Carcassonne, Carcassonne ATW01: South Seas, Citrus, Five cucumbers, Glass Road, Hanabi, Ignis, Lincoln se met au vert, Madeira, Pax Porfiriana, Radio Londra, Russian Railroads, Seasons, Tash-Kalar : Arena of legends, Time Masters, Turtle Wushu, Vendredi 13, Zigzag, |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Gioco o inserto: Seasons Gioco o inserto: Vendredi 13 |
Evaluated games | 1001 hazar o yek sab, Agents Secrets, Bruxelles 1893, ChromaTikTak, Compounded, Kenya, King and Assassins, King of Tokyo: Power Up !, Latrunculi, Mimtoo, Monster auf der Flucht, Mystères, Panik, Primat fear, Rococo, Rumble in the Dungeon , Seasons, Shinobi Wat-aah !, Splendor, Terra Evolution : Tree of life, The Great Persuader, Think Again !, Waka Waka, Welcome to the Dungeon, sQuizz, |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Gioco o inserto: Seasons Gioco o inserto: Shinobi Wat-aah ! |
Evaluated games | Ambush, Chromino, Give me five!, Gotta Go !, Homestretch, Jagdfieber, L'Aéropostale, Ladies & Gentlemen, Nautilus, Piquet, Samurai Sword, Serenissima (2nd edition), Terra Mystica, Thématik, Titanium Wars, Too schuss à Tignes, Twin Tin Bots, Village: Village Inn, Whizz Bing Bang, |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Gioco o inserto: Give me five! |
Evaluated games | Assedio di Parigi, Card of the dead, Città (La), Cutthroat Caverns, Dungeon World, Fiasco, Help me, Hop la Bille, Inside 3, Le jeu du métro, Nosferatu, Professor Tempus, Relic Runners, Room 25, Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective, Skyline, Tic Tac Boum : jeu de cartes, Uchronia, Wits & Wagers, |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Gioco o inserto: Hop la Bille |
Evaluated games | Buildingue, Catan: The Card Game 2002, Complots, Concept, Gentlemen Cambrioleurs, Kemet, L'Aéropostale, Le Havre: The Inland Port, Mascarade, Odysseo, Pepper pilou, Rampage, Riddarspelet, Sheepdogs of Pendleton Hill, Speed dating, Spyrium, Targi, Vertimo, Wink, |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Gioco o inserto: Mascarade |
Evaluated games | Alcatraz the Scapegoat - Maximum Security, Asgard, Augustus, Bunnock, Card City, Cavemen playing with fire, Gangs City, History of the World, L'Aéropostale, MIL, Mr. Jack Pocket, Piraten Kapern, Police City, Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island, Rome & Carthage, Tokaido, Voldétour, Wurfel Wurst, |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Gioco o inserto: Rome & Carthage |
Evaluated games | Andor, Antike: Duellum, Bios : Megafauna, Bivary, Bloqs, Cartes sur table, City of Horror, Croc, L'Aéropostale, La Boca, Last Will, New York Kings, River Dragons, cHTeMeLe, |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Gioco o inserto: Andor |
Evaluated games | Ark & Noah, Car Wars: The Card Game, Chipleader, Copyright, Docker, Eminent Domain, Full Moon, Gladiatori, Goblins Inc., Innovation, Innovation: Echoes of the Past, L'Aéropostale, Nyout, Oddville, Okiya, Panic on Wall Street, Peloponnes, Rule the toost, Spartacus : A Game of Blood & Treachery, Vampire: The Eternal Struggle, |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Gioco o inserto: Peloponnes |
Evaluated games | 1775: Rebellion, Article 27, Bang II, Betrayal at the House on the Hill, Carson City : Gold & Guns, Circus Grandioso, Desperados, Dominion, Fundstucke, Homesteaders, Junta, Like Dice, Love Letter, Revolver 2 : Last Stand at Malpaso, Shafausa, Strike, Ultrium, Western Town, Wild fun West, Yam Master, |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Gioco o inserto: 1775: Rebellion |
Evaluated games | 1969, Agricola All Creatures Big and Small 1, Noé, Olympos, R, Regatta (Gigamic), Roue Breizh, Senet, Through the Ages, Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar, Ultrium, |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Gioco o inserto: Ultrium |
Evaluated games | Blackrock City, Cockroach Poker Royal, Dash: A whimsical race through Singapore, Exodus : Proxima Centauri, Forgotten Planet (The), Keyflower, Kubb, L'Aéropostale, Martian dice, Smash Up, Star Wars: The Card Game, Tales & Games: I Tre Piccoli Porcellini, Taluva, The Battle of Red Cliffs, Troquons !, |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Gioco o inserto: Keyflower |
Evaluated games | Ascension : Storm of souls, Chocolat!, Decktet, Drachen Schatten, Good Friends ?, Keyflower, Kipp X, Little Prince : Make me a planet (The), Migrato, Power Grid: First Sparks, Pressure Point, Resistance (The) : Avalon, Venise du Nord (La), XCave, Zombie ! Run for your lives, |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Gioco o inserto: XCave |
Evaluated games | Archipelago, Colorpop, Copycat, Escape : The Curse of the Temple, Escape: Illusions, Ginkgopolis, Helvetia Cup, Karnag, Mu Torere, Myrmes, Palaces of Carrara, Panic Lab, Polar base, Summoner Wars, Targi, Tetris link, Tweegles, Who would Win, World Without End, |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |
Annexed |
Gioco o inserto: Karnag |
Evaluated games | A few Acres of Snow, CO2, Gobb'it, Las Vegas (Alea), Monster Chase, Phantom, Rimtik, Seasons, Spectaculum, Stick'Em, Stratopolis, Vinhos, |
Publisher | Megalopole srl |