Welcome on Big Cream site

The Big Cream site was created to have on line a good Data Base for my collection of games and the related magazines and books. I have now the opportunity to look at them from every place I am or with my phone.

You will not find something really new, but yu may have a look at :

- direct connections between the games and the magazines and books that treated them

- the list of all the owned scenarios for the wargames

- copy of the reviews that I wrote or I will write

- some "summary" tables that I will share with the readers

And, yes, there are the usual personal classifications and valuations (graphics, rules and playability) and,when times will allows, comments.

If you click on "Boardgames" or "Wargames" you will get the list of all the games of that type

With a click on "Games owned" you will get the list of all my games

With a click on "All Games" you will get also the list of all the games that have been reviewed in the magazines that I own, but without details.

The final question is: we really needed a new site on games ? The answer is obviously NOT but I LIKED the idea and I decided to do it.

Please also note that Big Cream is ìnow linked with the blog BALENA LUDENS (http://www.balenaludens.it/) where games are reviewed in detail twice a week (in Italian).

So welcome again on Big Cream


STOP : the following is only some information about me, so nothing of real interest, but i wished to satisfy my "Ego", so I will translate the text  ... one day


Si precisa che tutti i nomi di Ditte o Prodotti che vengono esposti in questo sito sono di proprietà delle rispettive aziende ed il fatto che vengano qui citati non intende infrangere alcun diritto dei detentori né violare alcun copyright.
Chiunque ritenesse di vantare dei diritti di immagine o di copyright e volesse farli valere è pregato di contattarci perché si possa provvedere alla rimozione dei documenti indicati.