C3i Magazine (RBM) (12/2022)

Reviews on magazine

Title Evaluated games Page Writer Type Evaluation
Wargame in inserto Desert Victory: North Africa, 1940-1942 0 Bender Trevor Game or Insert
SPQR Variant: Skirmishers, Velites and Light Troops Revisited 0 Bernardini Fabio Game or Insert
Editoriale: 30 anni di C3i 2 Steve McGowan General purpose article
Clio's Corner 13 - Wargame CRT (or How to resolve chaos) 4 Herman Mark General purpose article
How the Cold War destroyed the Horn of Africa Twilight Struggle: Red Sea - Conflict in the horn of Africa 11 Matthews Jason Historical article
Interview: Randall Reed (autore di wargames) 16 Sheikh Sam Interviews or reports
Snake & Ladders 3 - Rules as written 24 Buchanan Harold General purpose article
Serie "Blind Swords": A Greater Victory 27 Carey Steve Play example
Serie "Blind Swords": Perryville 29 Grossman Jeff Play example
Japanese opening attacks Pacific War: The Struggle against Japan 1941-1945 (2nd Edition) 30 Herman Mark Play example
Pearl Harbor Pacific War: The Struggle against Japan 1941-1945 (2nd Edition) 43 Herman Mark Game tips
Submarine Warfare Model Pacific War: The Struggle against Japan 1941-1945 (2nd Edition) 45 Herman Mark Game tips
Time bandits Pacific War: The Struggle against Japan 1941-1945 (2nd Edition) 46 Herman Mark Game tips
Baetis Campaign 211 AC SPQR (Original) 48 Fournie Daniel Historical article
Interview: Charles Kibler 52 Sheikh Sam Interviews or reports
An Ocean Apart: Wargaming in the land of Eurogames 56 Masini Riccardo General purpose article
From War and Peace to Napoleonic Wars: 40 years with Mark McLaughlin 60 Nunez Andy General purpose article
Wargames: Simulations or Stimulations? 62 Buckley James General purpose article
SDHISTCON 2022: Trip Report 64 Bender Trevor Interviews or reports
In memory of John Prados 66 Glynn Lenny General purpose article
CSR Awards 67 Mengle Gary General purpose article


Wargame: Desert Victory SPQR Variant Counters

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