Spielbox (2011)

Reviews on magazine

Title Evaluated games Page Writer Type Evaluation
Omaggio : Plancia "The 8th Wonder" 7 Wonders: Manneken Pis 0 Game or Insert
Current : Heinz Meister 4 Wieland Herold General purpose article
A question of balance Godfather Game (The) 6 Ruschitzka Edwin Detailed review C
How silly is a game allowed to be ? Ranking 10 Schrapers Harald Detailed review D
A six-field system Furstenfeld 12 Bartsch Udo Detailed review C
Pure Joy of Thinking : Have the last Word 14 L.U.Dikus (Jochen Corts) General purpose article
Portriat : Lookout Games 17 Wieland Herold Interviews or reports
Essen 2010 : Part 2 20 Interviews or reports
A Look Back : Games in the Ruhr ARea 38 Ruhle Rudolf General purpose article
Choose, pass on, die ! 7 Wonders 40 Pelek Roman Detailed review
Dice condemnation with compensation Troyes 42 Conrad Christwart Detailed review
Easy come, easy go Lords of Vegas 46 Hardel Mathias Detailed review B
Poverty is no sgame ? Oh yes, it is ! London 48 KMW (Knut Michael Wolf) Detailed review
To be continued A la carte : Dessert 50 Schrapers Harald Short review E
Feature : Pricing Mechanisms 52 Conrad Christwart General purpose article
At a glance Bisikle 55 Balkenhol Nicola Short review B
At a glance Modern Society 56 Conrad Christwart Short review E
At a glance String railway 57 KMW (Knut Michael Wolf) Short review
At a glance Haggis 58 Wieland Herold Short review
At a glance GOSU 59 Grimm Olivier Short review
For Kids : Das Grosse Kullòern 60 Wieland Herold Short review
For Kids : Wildwasser 60 Wieland Herold Short review
For Kids : Capt'n Sharky 61 Wieland Herold Short review
For Kids : Kissenschlacht 62 Schrapers Harald Short review
For Kids : Basti Bar 62 Schrapers Harald Short review
Speilbox Review Ratings 2010 63 General purpose article
Tweaks and Variations : Storage Power Plants Power Grid 64 Conrad Christwart Variants or Modifications
Tweaks and Variations : Streets that don't separate Lords of Vegas 64 Hardel Mathias Variants or Modifications

Readers' comments

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