Spielbox (2010)

Reviews on magazine

Title Evaluated games Page Writer Type Evaluation
Omaggio : Carta "Die Beilage" A la carte 0 Game or Insert
Portrait : Bruce Allen 4 Conrad Christwart Interviews or reports
Aktuell : UK Games Expo 2010 6 Hardel Mathias Interviews or reports
Aktuell : Spiel des Jahres 2010 8 Hardel Mathias Interviews or reports
First the fog need to clear Titania 9 Klein Christian Detailed review C
Thrifty in Scotalnd Glen More 12 Bartsch Udo Detailed review B
From Pony Tending to the Betting Office Long Shot 14 Schrapers Harald Detailed review D
Pure Joy of Thinking : Particle Accelerators 16 L.U.Dikus (Jochen Corts) General purpose article
Lying in wait in front of the finishing line VeloCity 20 Conrad Christwart Detailed review D
So Comrades, Come Rally Revolution 22 Ruschitzka Edwin Detailed review
Not to be taken too seriously Portrail 24 Schrapers Harald Detailed review B
Not a matter of Love but Marriages Abound Samarkand 26 KMW (Knut Michael Wolf) Detailed review
Portrait : Frank Czarnetzki 29 Wieland Herold Interviews or reports
Now we all can be Stefan Schlag den Raab 32 Wieland Herold Detailed review C
Sammler : Seafaring Games 34 Ruehle Rudolf General purpose article
Interview : Harald Mucke 36 Ruschitzka Edwin Interviews or reports
Pedestrian to the point of pain Workshop of the World 38 Hardel Mathias Detailed review C
Constant stepping on other player's toes Tammany Hall 40 Grimm Olivier Detailed review B
In High-Heels Through Chaos Asteroyds 42 Balkenhol Nicola Detailed review
Halfhearted Claustrophobia 44 Hardel Mathias Detailed review
Oldie : Monstrously many Monters Verlies 46 L.U.Dikus (Jochen Corts) General purpose article
For Kids : Vampire cder Nacht 48 Wieland Herold Short review
For Kids : Schatz der Kobolde 48 Wieland Herold Short review
For Kids : Kleine Magier 49 Wieland Herold Short review
For Kids : Panic Tower 50 Schrapers Harald Short review
For KIds : Mein Mauschen-Farbspiel 50 Schrapers Harald Short review
At a glance Basket Boss 51 Klein Christian Short review D
At a glance 11 Nimmt ! 52 Ruschitzka Edwin Short review B
At a glance 20.000 Meilen unter dem Meer 53 Wieland Herold Short review
in Kurze : Chess clock for multi-player games 54 Conrad Christwart General purpose article
29th game designer meeting, Gottingen 55 Wieland Herold Interviews or reports
Tweaks and Variations : Other Winning Condition VeloCity 56 Conrad Christwart Variants or Modifications

Readers' comments

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