Plato (11/2018)

Reviews on magazine

Title Evaluated games Page Writer Type Evaluation
Omaggio: carta "Sentinelle de Compagnie" Clank! A Deckbuilding Adventure 0 Game or Insert
Editoriale: Quand la fiction supplante la réalité 1 Graveleau Hélène General purpose article
Tutti Frutti 2 News
Orage o désespoir Forbidden Sky 12 Unt' Margaria Detailed review B
Bien débuter à Forbidden Sky Forbidden Sky 14 Unt' Margaria Game tips
Rencontre: Jason Schneider (Gamewright) 16 Unt' Margaria Interviews or reports
Chacun sa route, chacun son chemin Wendake 18 Hoflack Simon Detailed review B
Expédition punitive One Deck Dungeon 20 De Grimouard Bruno Review A
Bien débuter à One Deck Dungeon One Deck Dungeon 21 De Grimouard Bruno Game tips
Rencontre: Florent Coupeau (Nuts! Publishing) 23 De Grimouard Bruno Interviews or reports
Magic, le jeu de plateau Crystal Clans 26 Gompertz Arnaud Detailed review B
Espoir en demi-tente Hope 28 Gompertz Arnaud Review C
You don't have to play on the red light Raxxon 29 Bonnard Vincent Review B
Et vice-versa Affinity 30 Bonnard Vincent Review A
Petits meurtres entre ennemis Vengeance 32 Deseuf Pierre Detailed review B
Rencontre: Gordon Calleja (Mighty Boards) 38 Deseuf Pierre Interviews or reports
Rencontre: Marvin Zammit (Mighty Box) 42 Deseuf Pierre Interviews or reports
Fil conducteur U.S. Telegraph 46 Graveleau Lionel Review C
Ocean's 4 Age of Thieves 47 Bonnard Vincent Review B
Pale feu follet Crossfire 48 Gompertz Arnaud Short review D
Draft Cthulhien Tides of Madness 48 Gompertz Arnaud Short review C
Kids: Princess Legend 49 Bonnard Vincent Short review C
Kids: Orodeloro 50 Graveleau Lionel Short review B
Kids: El tesoro de Isla Tortuga 50 Le Borgne Marc Short review B
Kids: Mr. Wolf 51 Le Borgne Marc Short review C
Kids: Rhino hero super battle 51 Le Borgne Marc Short review A
Kids: Chapito 52 De Grimouard Bruno Review A
Studio Twin Games 54 Bonnard Vincent Interviews or reports
Les Twinplates du "Forbidden Sky" 56 Bonnard Vincent General purpose article
37° Concours International de Boulogne-Billancourt 58 Bonnard Vincent Interviews or reports
Y en a un peu plus (Kickstarter) 60 Bord Benjamin General purpose article



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