Tank Leader : Desert Steel (1989)
My evaluation:
Designer: Hill John
Hail Guy
Corless Peter
Artist: Wilkins Kevin
Baldari Rosaria
Edited by: West End Games
Series Tank Leader
Number of players: 2
Plying time: 240 minutes
Users: Wargamers
Ambient: Seconda Guerra Mondiale : Combattimenti Tattici in Nord Africa (1940-1943)
Categorie: Wargame
Mechanics: Wargames with Cards for the orders
Conflict scale: Tactic

Historical period: Second World War
Motor: Combats using dice
Components: See the components
Graphics: 7
Rules: 7
Pleasure: 8
Luck: 3
Complexity: 6
BGG rating:
Voto: 7.01
Votes: 126
Ranking: #9995


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