Lord of the Rings (2000)
My evaluation:
Designer: Knizia Reiner
Artist: Howe John
Bluguy Grafik Design
Edited by: Editrice Giochi
Number of players: 2 - 5
Plying time: 90 minutes
Users: Da 12 anni
Ambient: Avventura
Categorie: Adventures
Mechanics: Combinations-Line up
Motor: Cards
Expansions: Lord of the Rings (EG): Friends & Foes
Lord of the Rings (EG): Minas Tirith
Lord of the Rings (EG): Sauron
Lord of the Rings: Battlefields
Alternate names: Signore degli Anelli (EG)
Components: See the components
Graphics: 7
Rules: 7
Pleasure: 7
Luck: 4
Complexity: 4
BGG rating:
Voto: 6.74
Votes: 15.975
Ranking: #1137
Rating on Magazine
Ilsa: N.A.
Plato: N.A.
Spielbox: N.A.
Win Magazine: N.A.

Reviews on magazines:

Magazine Number Year Title Page Writer Type
ILSA Magazine 23 2013 Dialoghi di gioco 4 Nini Andrea Recensione dettagliata
GiocAreA 17 2001 Recensioni Giochi 34 Ruscitti carlo Recensione dettagliata
GiocAreA 18 2001 Varie ed eventuali 42 Voicu Andrés Esempio di gioco
WIN The Game Journal 432 2012 Played for you 18 Recensione breve
Plato 37.5 2011 Mètre-étalon ou maitre-étalon 5 Dumont Nicolas Recensione dettagliata
Plato 37.5 2011 Bien débuter 7 Josephy Stéphane Consigli di Gioco
WIN The Game Journal 463 2014 Played for you 19 Recensione breve

Readers' comments

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