Cutthroat Caverns (2007)
My evaluation:
Designer: Covert Curt
Edited by: Iello
Number of players: 3 - 6
Plying time: 90 minutes
Users: Da 12 anni
Graphics: N.A.
Rules: N.A.
Pleasure: N.A.
Luck: N.A.
Complexity: N.A.
BGG rating:
Voto: 6.51
Votes: 5.073
Ranking: #2171
Rating on Magazine
Ilsa: N.A.
Plato: B
Spielbox: N.A.
Win Magazine: N.A.

This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

Reviews on magazines:

Magazine Number Year Title Page Writer Type
Plato 61 2013 Sang Rancune - Oups, désolé, j'ai pas voulu te pousser 40 Doyen Olivier Recensione dettagliata

Readers' comments

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