Designer: |
Laget Serge
Artist: | |
Edited by: |
Days of Wonder
Number of players: | 2 - 5 |
Plying time: | N.A. |
Users: | N.A. |
Categorie: | |
Mechanics: | |
Motor: |
Graphics: | N.A. |
Rules: | N.A. |
Pleasure: | N.A. |
Luck: | 0 |
Complexity: | N.A. |
BGG rating: | |
Voto: | 6.45 |
Votes: | 3.008 |
Ranking: | #2731 |
Rating on Magazine | |
Ilsa: | N.A. |
Plato: | N.A. |
Spielbox: | N.A. |
Win Magazine: | N.A. |
This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB
Magazine | Number | Year | Title | Page | Writer | Type |
ILSA Magazine | 12 | 2011 | Prime impressioni | 39 | Busetto Riccardo | Recensione breve |
WIN The Game Journal | 428 | 2011 | Played for you | 20 | Recensione breve | |
Plato | 38 | 2011 | Contrebande en série | 28 | Graveleau Lionel | Recensione dettagliata |
Plato | 38 | 2011 | Bien débuter | 29 | Graveleau Lionel | Consigli di Gioco |