Barbarossa 1941 (2002)
My evaluation:
Designer: Besida Jean Claude
Artist: Camilotte Christophe
Bourgeois Didier
Batisse Emmanuel
Edited by: Histoire & Collections
Number of players: 2
Plying time: N.A.
Users: Wargamers
Ambient: Seconda Guerra Mondiale : Campagna di Russia (22 Giugno 1941-"1 Gennaio 1942)
Categorie: Wargame
Mechanics: Wargames with alternate turns
Conflict scale: Strategic

Historical period: Second World War
Motor: Combats using dice
Components: See the components
From Magazine: Vae Victis
Number: 043
Printed by: Histoire & Collections
Graphics: N.A.
Rules: N.A.
Pleasure: N.A.
Luck: N.A.
Complexity: N.A.
BGG rating:
Voto: 6.49
Votes: 44
Ranking: #18789

Reviews on magazines:

Magazine Number Year Title Page Writer Type
Vae Victis 043 2002 Wargame completo 0 Gioco o inserto
Vae Victis 044 2002 Counters : 1 unità aggiuntiva 0 Gioco o inserto
Vae Victis 060 2005 Scénario : La campagne d'hiver soviétique 0 Bésida Jean-Claude Scenario

Readers' comments

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