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This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

Battle Ravens (2019)
Designer Mersey Daniel
Publisher PSC Games
Number of players 2
Users Wargamers
Lenght n.d.
Ambient n.d.
Difficulty n.d.
Luck n.d.

Blitzkrieg! World War 2 in 20 minutes (2019)
Designer Mori Paolo
Publisher PSC Games
Number of players 1 - 2
Users Da 14 anni
Lenght 30 Min.
Ambient La seconda guerra mondiale in 20 minuti
Leggi la descrizione ed il commento al gioco
Difficulty 2
Luck 2

Blitzkrieg!: Nippon (2019)
Designer Mori Paolo
Publisher PSC Games
Number of players 1 - 2
Users Da 14 anni
Lenght 30 Min.
Ambient Espansione di Blitzkrieg! (2109)
Difficulty 2
Luck 2


This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

Britannia Classic e& Duel Edition (2020)
Designer Pulsipher Lewis
Publisher PSC Games
Number of players 2 - 4
Users Da 14 anni
Lenght 240 Min.
Ambient n.d.
Difficulty n.d.
Luck n.d.

Caesar: Seize Rome in 20 minutes (2022)
Designer Mori Paolo
Publisher PSC Games,
Number of players 1 - 2
Users Da 14 anni
Lenght 20 Min.
Ambient Chi influenzerà di più le Provincie Romane durante la guerra civile fra Cesare e Pompeo?
Leggi la descrizione ed il commento al gioco
Difficulty 3
Luck 2


This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

Great War (The) (2015)
Designer Borg Richard
Publisher PSC Games, Nuts! Publishing
Number of players 2
Users Wargamers
Lenght n.d.
Ambient n.d.
Difficulty n.d.
Luck n.d.


This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

Great War (The) : Tank Expansion (2015)
Designer Borg Richard
Publisher PSC Games
Number of players 2
Users Wargamers
Lenght n.d.
Ambient n.d.
Difficulty n.d.
Luck n.d.

Lincoln (2018)
Designer Wallace Martin
Publisher PSC Games, Worthington Games
Number of players 2
Users Da 14 anni
Lenght 120 Min.
Ambient La guerra di Secessione negli Stati Uniti
Leggi la descrizione ed il commento al gioco
Difficulty 3
Luck 2

Quartermaster General 1914 (2016)
Designer Brody Ian
Publisher PSC Games, Ergo Ludo Editions
Number of players 2 - 5
Users Da 12 anni
Lenght 120 Min.
Ambient La Prima Guerra Mondiale in un gioco di strategia guidato dalle carte
Leggi la descrizione ed il commento al gioco
Difficulty 4
Luck 2


This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

Quartermaster General: The Cold War (2018)
Designer Brody Ian
Publisher Griggling Games, PSC Games
Number of players 3 - 6
Users Wargamers
Lenght 120 Min.
Ambient n.d.
Difficulty n.d.
Luck n.d.

Quartermaster General: Victory or Death, th... (2016)
Designer Brody Ian
Publisher PSC Games, Griggling Games
Number of players 2 - 4
Users Da 12 anni
Lenght 120 Min.
Ambient Grecia Antica : Guerra del Peloponneso (431-404 AC)
Leggi la descrizione ed il commento al gioco
Difficulty 5
Luck 4


This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

Red Alert: Space Fleet Warfare (2019)
Designer Borg Richard
Publisher PSC Games
Number of players 2 - 6
Users Wargamers
Lenght n.d.
Ambient n.d.
Difficulty n.d.
Luck n.d.


This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

Rome & Roll (2020)
Designer Turczi David, Shaw Nick
Publisher PSC Games,
Number of players 1 - 4
Users Da 14 anni
Lenght 90 Min.
Ambient n.d.
Difficulty n.d.
Luck n.d.

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