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This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

Cloudage (2020)
Designer Pfister Alexander, Steinwender Arno
Publisher Nanox Games, Capstone Games
Number of players 1 - 4
Users Da 10 anni
Lenght 90 Min.
Ambient n.d.
Difficulty n.d.
Luck n.d.

Coffee Traders (2021)
Designer Sagel Rolf, Spil André
Publisher Capstone Games, Super Meeple,
Number of players 2 - 5
Users Da 12 anni
Lenght 150 Min.
Ambient Costituire cooperative per coltivare e vendere il caffè
Leggi la descrizione ed il commento al gioco
Difficulty 5
Luck 0


This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

Curious Cargo (2020)
Designer Courtney Ryan
Publisher Capstone Games, Maldido Games
Number of players 2
Users Da 12 anni
Lenght 60 Min.
Ambient n.d.
Difficulty n.d.
Luck n.d.

Imperial Steam (2022)
Designer Huemer Alexander
Publisher Capstone Games, Super Meeple, Tesla Games
Number of players 2 - 4
Users Da 12 anni
Lenght 120 Min.
Ambient Costruzione di linee ferroviarie per collegare Vienna a Trieste
Leggi la descrizione ed il commento al gioco
Difficulty 5
Luck 0

Imperial Steam Promo (2022)
Designer Huemer Alexander
Publisher Capstone Games, Super Meeple, Tesla Games
Number of players 2 - 4
Users Da 12 anni
Lenght 120 Min.
Ambient Espansione di Imperial Steam
Leggi la descrizione ed il commento al gioco
Difficulty 5
Luck 0


This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

Juicy Fruits (2021)
Designer Stoehr Christian
Publisher Deep Print Games, Capstone Games, Pegasus Spiele
Number of players 1 - 4
Users Da 8 anni
Lenght 45 Min.
Ambient n.d.
Difficulty n.d.
Luck n.d.


This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

Pinocchio: True or False (2014)
Designer Chan Edward
Publisher Capstone Games
Number of players 4 - 10
Users n.d.
Lenght n.d.
Ambient n.d.
Difficulty n.d.
Luck n.d.


This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

Ragusa (2019)
Designer Lopiano Fabio
Publisher Capstone Games, Brain Games
Number of players 1 - 5
Users Da 12 anni
Lenght 90 Min.
Ambient n.d.
Difficulty n.d.
Luck n.d.

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