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This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

Anachrony (2017)
Designer Amann Richard, Peter Viktor, Turczi David
Publisher Mindclash Games
Number of players 1 - 4
Users Expert players
Lenght 150 Min.
Ambient n.d.
Difficulty 5
Luck 1


This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

Dice Settlers (2018)
Designer Turczi David
Publisher NSKN Legendary Games
Number of players 1 - 4
Users Da 14 anni
Lenght 60 Min.
Ambient n.d.
Difficulty n.d.
Luck n.d.


This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

Excavation Earth (2021)
Designer Calleja Gordon, Turczi David, Yee Wai
Publisher 2Tomatoes, Mighty Boards
Number of players 1 - 4
Users Da 14 anni
Lenght 120 Min.
Ambient n.d.
Difficulty n.d.
Luck n.d.


This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

Imperium: Classics (2021)
Designer Buckle Nigel, Turczi David
Publisher Osprey Games
Number of players 1 - 4
Users Da 14 anni
Lenght 120 Min.
Ambient n.d.
Difficulty n.d.
Luck n.d.


This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

Kitchen Rush (2017)
Designer Bagiartakis Vangelis, Turczi David
Publisher Artipia Games
Number of players 1 - 4
Users Da 12 anni
Lenght 45 Min.
Ambient n.d.
Difficulty n.d.
Luck n.d.


This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

Kitchen Rush (Revised Edition) (2019)
Designer Bagiartakis Vangelis, Turczi David
Publisher Pegasus Spiele, Artipia Games
Number of players 2 - 4
Users Da 8 anni
Lenght 60 Min.
Ambient n.d.
Difficulty n.d.
Luck n.d.

Nucleum (2023)
Designer Luciani Simone, Turczi David
Publisher Board&Dice, Cranio Creations
Number of players 1 - 4
Users Da 14 anni
Lenght 180 Min.
Ambient Sfruttare l'energia nucleare per costruire nuove fabbriche ed allargare le città
Leggi la descrizione ed il commento al gioco
Difficulty 6
Luck 1


This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

Petrichor (2017)
Designer Chircop David, Turczi David
Publisher APE Games
Number of players 1 - 4
Users n.d.
Lenght n.d.
Ambient n.d.
Difficulty n.d.
Luck n.d.


This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

Redacted (2014)
Designer Vincze Mihaly, Nimmerfroh Katalin, Turczi David
Publisher Ludicreations, Passport Game Studio
Number of players 2 - 6
Users n.d.
Lenght n.d.
Ambient n.d.
Difficulty n.d.
Luck n.d.


This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

Rome & Roll (2020)
Designer Turczi David, Shaw Nick
Publisher PSC Games,
Number of players 1 - 4
Users Da 14 anni
Lenght 90 Min.
Ambient n.d.
Difficulty n.d.
Luck n.d.


This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

Rush M.D. (2020)
Designer Howgego Antony, Kokkinis Konstantinos, Turczi David
Publisher Artipia Games, Pegasus Spiele
Number of players 1 - 4
Users Da 14 anni
Lenght 45 Min.
Ambient n.d.
Difficulty n.d.
Luck n.d.


This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

Tash-Kalar : Arena of Legends - Etherweave (2017)
Designer Chvàtil Vlaada, Turczi David
Publisher Czech Games Edition (CGE)
Number of players 2 - 4
Users Da 12 anni
Lenght 60 Min.
Ambient n.d.
Difficulty n.d.
Luck n.d.

Tawantinsuyu: The Inca Empire (2020)
Designer Turczi David
Publisher Pixie Games
Number of players 1 - 4
Users Da 14 anni
Lenght 120 Min.
Ambient Il Gran Sacerdote è morto: chi salirà al suo posto?
Leggi la descrizione ed il commento al gioco
Difficulty 4
Luck 1

Tekhenu: Obelisk of the Sun (2020)
Designer Tascini Daniele, Turczi David
Publisher Board&Dice
Number of players 1 - 4
Users Da 14 anni
Lenght 120 Min.
Ambient Costruire Città e Templi agli Dei per lo sviluppo della popolazione
Leggi la descrizione ed il commento al gioco
Difficulty 5
Luck 1

Teotihuacan: City of Gold (2018)
Designer Tascini Daniele, Turczi David
Publisher NSKN Legendary Games,
Number of players 1 - 4
Users Da 12 anni
Lenght 120 Min.
Ambient n.d.
Leggi la descrizione ed il commento al gioco
Difficulty 5
Luck 1

Venice (2021)
Designer Turczi David, Novac Andrei
Publisher, Braincrack Games
Number of players 1 - 5
Users Da 14 anni
Lenght 90 Min.
Ambient Commerciare fra i canali di Venezia
Leggi la descrizione ed il commento al gioco
Difficulty 4
Luck 1

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