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1914 : Glory's End (1994)
Designer Raicer Ted
Publisher XTR Corporation
Number of players 2
Users Wargamers
Lenght n.d.
Ambient Prima Guerra Mondiale : Francia (Agosto-Novembre 1914)
Leggi la descrizione ed il commento al gioco
Difficulty n.d.
Luck n.d.


This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

1914 : Glory's End & When Eagles Fight (2014)
Designer Raicer Ted
Publisher GMT Games
Number of players 2
Users Wargamers
Lenght n.d.
Ambient n.d.
Difficulty n.d.
Luck n.d.

1918 : Storm in the West (1992)
Designer Raicer Ted
Publisher XTR Corporation
Number of players 2
Users Wargamers
Lenght n.d.
Ambient Prima Guerra Mondiale : Francia (Marzo-Novembre 1918)
Leggi la descrizione ed il commento al gioco
Difficulty n.d.
Luck n.d.


This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

1918/1919: Storm in the West (2020)
Designer Raicer Ted
Publisher GMT Games
Number of players 2
Users Wargamers
Lenght 240 Min.
Ambient n.d.
Difficulty n.d.
Luck n.d.


This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

All Quiet on the Western Front ? (1997)
Designer Raicer Ted
Publisher Moments in History
Number of players 1 - 2
Users Wargamers
Lenght n.d.
Ambient n.d.
Difficulty n.d.
Luck 0

Barbarossa to Berlin (2002)
Designer Raicer Ted
Publisher GMT Games
Number of players 1 - 2
Users Wargamers
Lenght n.d.
Ambient Seconda Guerra Mondiale : Campagna di Russia (1941-1945)
Difficulty n.d.
Luck n.d.


This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

Case Yellow 1940: The German Blitzkrieg in ... (2011)
Designer Raicer Ted
Publisher GMT Games
Number of players 1 - 2
Users Wargamers
Lenght n.d.
Ambient n.d.
Difficulty n.d.
Luck 0


This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

Clash of Giants (2001)
Designer Raicer Ted
Publisher GMT Games
Number of players 2
Users Wargamers
Lenght n.d.
Ambient n.d.
Difficulty n.d.
Luck 0


This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

Clash of Giants II (2006)
Designer Raicer Ted
Publisher GMT Games
Number of players 1 - 2
Users Wargamers
Lenght n.d.
Ambient n.d.
Difficulty n.d.
Luck 0


This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

Clash of Giants III : Civil War (2016)
Designer Raicer Ted
Publisher GMT Games
Number of players 1 - 2
Users Wargamers
Lenght n.d.
Ambient Guerra Civile Americana : Battaglie di Manassa (seconda Bull Run: 28-30 Agosto 1862) e Gettysburg (1-3 Luglio 1863)
Difficulty n.d.
Luck n.d.


This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

Dark Sands (The) (2018)
Designer Raicer Ted
Publisher GMT Games
Number of players 1 - 2
Users Wargamers
Lenght n.d.
Ambient n.d.
Difficulty n.d.
Luck n.d.


This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

Dark Valley (The) (2013)
Designer Raicer Ted
Publisher GMT Games
Number of players 1 - 2
Users Wargamers
Lenght n.d.
Ambient n.d.
Difficulty n.d.
Luck 0


This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

Deadly Woods: The Battle of the Bulge (2021)
Designer Raicer Ted
Publisher Revolution Games
Number of players 2
Users Wargamers
Lenght n.d.
Ambient n.d.
Difficulty n.d.
Luck n.d.


This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

First World War (The) (2004)
Designer Raicer Ted
Publisher Phalanx Games
Number of players 2 - 4
Users Wargamers
Lenght n.d.
Ambient n.d.
Difficulty n.d.
Luck 0


This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

Grand Illusion : Mirage of Glory, 1914 (2004)
Designer Raicer Ted
Publisher GMT Games
Number of players 1 - 2
Users Wargamers
Lenght n.d.
Ambient n.d.
Difficulty n.d.
Luck 0

Great War in Europe (The) (1995)
Designer Raicer Ted
Publisher XTR Corporation
Number of players 2 - 5
Users Wargamers
Lenght n.d.
Ambient Prima Guerra Mondiale : La guerra in Europa (Agosto 1914-Giugno 1919)
Difficulty n.d.
Luck n.d.


This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

Great War in Europe (The) : Deluxe (2007)
Designer Raicer Ted
Publisher GMT Games
Number of players 2 - 4
Users Wargamers
Lenght n.d.
Ambient n.d.
Difficulty n.d.
Luck 0

Great War in the Near East (The) (1996)
Designer Raicer Ted
Publisher XTR Corporation
Number of players 2
Users Wargamers
Lenght n.d.
Ambient Prima Guerra Mondiale : La guerra in Medio Oriente
Difficulty n.d.
Luck n.d.


This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

I, Napoleon (2024)
Designer Raicer Ted
Publisher GMT Games
Number of players 1
Users Wargamers
Lenght 240 Min.
Ambient n.d.
Difficulty n.d.
Luck n.d.

Paths of Glory (1999)
Designer Raicer Ted
Publisher GMT Games
Number of players 2
Users Wargamers
Lenght 300 Min.
Ambient Prima Guerra Mondiale : La guerra in Europa (1914-1918)
Difficulty 7
Luck 4

Paths of Glory : Expansion Kit + Guide (2006)
Designer Raicer Ted, Ferrell Wray, Tucker Stuart
Publisher GMT Games
Number of players 2
Users Wargamers
Lenght n.d.
Ambient Prima Guerra Mondiale : La guerra in Europa (Primavera 1915-Inverno 1919)
Difficulty n.d.
Luck n.d.


This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

Pocket at Falaise (The) (2009)
Designer Raicer Ted, Rohrbaugh Paul, Tohver Lambit
Publisher Landskenecht Publishing Services, Inc. (LPS)
Number of players 1 - 2
Users Wargamers
Lenght n.d.
Ambient Inserto di ATO 27
Difficulty n.d.
Luck 0


This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

Red Storm over the Reich (2007)
Designer Raicer Ted
Publisher Compass Games
Number of players 2
Users Wargamers
Lenght n.d.
Ambient n.d.
Difficulty n.d.
Luck 0


This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

Reds (2001)
Designer Raicer Ted
Publisher GMT Games
Number of players 1 - 2
Users Wargamers
Lenght n.d.
Ambient n.d.
Difficulty n.d.
Luck 0


This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

Royal Tank Corps (2000)
Designer Raicer Ted
Publisher Moments in History
Number of players 2
Users Wargamers
Lenght n.d.
Ambient n.d.
Difficulty n.d.
Luck 0

Stalin's War (2010)
Designer Raicer Ted
Publisher GMT Games
Number of players 2
Users Wargamers
Lenght 240 Min.
Ambient Seconda Guerra Mondiale : Campagna di Russia (1941-1945)
Difficulty 6
Luck 3

When Eagles Fight (1993)
Designer Raicer Ted
Publisher XTR Corporation
Number of players 2
Users Wargamers
Lenght n.d.
Ambient Prima Guerra Mondiale : Fronte Russo (1914-1917)
Difficulty n.d.
Luck n.d.

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