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This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

Aristo-Maze (2014)
Designer BakaFire
Publisher BakaFire Party
Number of players 3 - 4
Users n.d.
Lenght n.d.
Ambient n.d.
Difficulty n.d.
Luck 0


This game is not in my collection. It is listed here because I tested it or it was cited in magazines or books already inserted in the DB

Reidemeister (2015)
Designer BakaFire, Shibucho Koipara
Publisher Japon Brand
Number of players 2 - 5
Users n.d.
Lenght n.d.
Ambient n.d.
Difficulty n.d.
Luck n.d.

Tragedy Looper (2011)
Designer BakaFire
Publisher BakaFire Party, Z-Man Games, Asterion Press
Number of players 2 - 4
Users Da 14 anni
Lenght 120 Min.
Ambient Cercare i colpevoli di omicidi o suicidi in un arco temporale che si ripete
Leggi la descrizione ed il commento al gioco
Difficulty 4
Luck 1

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